What You Have To Know About Intermittent Fasting For Healthy Living

intermittent fasting good health

The trend on weight loss and healthy eating are huge these days, so much so that more and more people are trying out various diets and exercise programs in the hopes of shedding off pounds and living a healthy life in general.

One such diet trend that has come into attention to most health buffs is intermittent fasting for healthy living. And as the name suggests, it’s a type of eating that requires you to fast for the sake of your well-being.

But what is this type of healthy eating? And why most experts see it as a way of achieving a lean and healthy body? Get to know more about this as we are going to talk about this topic in today’s topic and give clarification to the facts that surround this eating trend before you try it for yourself.

Defining This Type Of ‘Healthy’ Eating

Intermittent fasting is an eating method that involves fasting. Basically, it requires you to eat a certain time of the day, which is called an “eating window”, and fast during the remaining hours.

Fasting has been long observed for thousands of years for cultural, religious, social, and political reasons. But when you practice this method of eating, you are doing it for health reasons. Moreover, you are still required to eat and then abstain from eating a period of time to meet the specified caloric restrictions.

It’s Not A Form Of Diet

fasting man

Contrary to popular belief, intermittent fasting for healthy living is not like any of the diet trends that we have today like Ketogenic, Paleo, or Atkins. In fact, it’s not a form of diet at all but rather a process of altering your eating pattern.

To be specific, our usual eating cycle involves 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and 2 snacks (after lunch and after dinner). But when you do intermittent fasting, you are restricting yourself to eat at specific hours of the day say, eating 2 meals between an 8-hour window and then fast for the remaining 16 hours (a.k.a. 16:8) or eat and fast every other day (alternate-day fasting).

So in essence, the goal of this eating method is to trigger a process that will burn fats in your body without depriving yourself of the foods that you normally eat. So it goes without saying that you are allowed to eat junk foods when you do intermittent fasting as long as they are consumed in small amounts and it’s being eaten only at the designated eating window. Hence, you can still lose weight as long as you discipline yourself to limit your time of eating.

 More Things To Know

And here are some other things you need to take note before you get into intermittent fasting for healthy living:

  • It can reduce waist circumference and body fat.
  • It can be easily inserted in your routine.
  • It can have a positive effect on your body’s cholesterol levels.
  • It helps improve blood sugar levels.
  • Not recommended for diabetics, older adults, pregnant women, or those with eating disorders.
  • Other recommendations include: starting slow to give time for adjustment, not taking sweets or chunks of food during the fast period, and to watch your stress levels during fasting.

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