Insane But True: 7 Clash Of Clans Facts That You Probably Won’t Believe

clash of clans facts

Most of us are familiar with Clash of Clans. In fact, some of us may have been addicted to this mobile MMO game at some point or is still currently hooked in it along with some other popular games like DOTA and Mobile Legends.

Surely enough, most of us know how the game is being played. But what do we really know about COC game itself?

If you’re interested to know more then we urge you to stick around as we are going to reveal 7 Clash of Clans facts that you probably won’t believe in this blog post.

Let’s begin.

wired magazine logo clash of clans facts

  1. Raking $7000/month On Investments

Panda, a top 10 player of COC game, told Wired Magazine that he spends around $7000/month on his COC village. And come to think of it, that’s a lot of money to invest in a mobile game. But the truth is that 7 grand is just 7% of his income as he is reported to earn around 98 thousand bucks a month in playing Clash of Clans!


  1. The Top 10 COC Players Account For 1/2 Of The Total Revenue

Next on our Clash of Clans fact list, Wired Magazine has also reported the Clash of Clans along with other popular mobile games attribute about 50% of their overall revenue to their top 10 players. No wonder why these games stay FTP (free to play) even to this day.

  1. COC Is The Most Viewed Ad In 2015 Super Bowl

In the much anticipated Super Bowl in 2015, Liam Nesson debuted an ad parodying Bryan Mills, his famous character in the movie “Taken” to feature the COC game. It became so famous that Youtube dubbed it as the 2nd best popular ad of the biggest football game in that year.

  1. 29 Million Users And Still Growing

Today, there are over 29+ million active players of COC. And these users are attributed to the $1.8 million that the game is able to earn in a day.playthrough clash of clans facts

  1. Only 15 Employees Worked On The COC Game

Today, Supercell, the creator of COC game employs around 150 employees. Yet, the game is developed by only 15 people, And this information is according to Venturebeat.

  1. PEKKA Changes Appearance

In case you haven’t noticed it. PEKKA, the famous COC character actually changes its appearance as his level increases, ranging from the usual armored knight to an intimidating hell-ish warrior.

  1. Playing COC On 5 Ipads At Once???

And finally on this Clash of Clans facts list, did you know that George Yao spent 6 months playing the game on 5 Ipads at once?!  Yes this is true! In fact, he was so hooked into the game that he even plays COC inside the bathroom while taking a shower… Now that’s definitely playing the game to the next level!

Hope you enjoyed reading these facts about this fascinating game. If you’re planning to buy CoC accounts online, you can visit and check out their inventory. They have a wide variety of accounts to choose from ranging from TH 8 to TH12. Check out their site today!

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